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Strap Adjusters » All bra adventures

Strap Adjusters

It appears that the majority of bras have strap adjusters on the back. Is it my imagination or did strap adjusters used to be on the front of the majority of bras years ago? And if so why did they change them? Why put the adjusters in a place so that you can't use them either to "fine tune" or readjust a slipped one without taking the bra off? A lot of bras have padded straps, but since that weight pulls primarily on the back and shoulders, why not pad those parts and put the adjusters back on the front? Am I missing something?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Dec 01, 2013 Flag this

  • I've seen a few with them in the front, and most with them in the back. I guess it depends on how much you have to shorten the straps which is preferable. I find them much easier to reach when they are in the front, but if I have to shorten them a lot they'll end up on my back even if they start in the front. It's always uncomfortable when they end up on my shoulders, too, and that seems to happen a lot sooner if they slide in the front. I don't think you can have them just in the front and have the top padded, because that won't provide enough range of adjustment for the entire target market. Some people need really long straps, and some need really short ones.

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