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Oct 30, 2013 Bra emergency » All bra adventures

Oct 30, 2013 Bra emergency

My friend has only one bra. A Freya Deco (4234) in 38FF. It has a broken wire. She has enough money to buy a new bra but wants to try something different that will give her similar shape and support. Do any of you have any suggestions of a bra similar to the (4234) that can be found at Nordsrtrom? She needs this bra A.S.A.P. and Nordstom is the only place around here that sells quality bras. Thanks for your help!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Oct 30, 2013 Flag this


  • The Deco is pretty unique. If she's looking for similar styles, she can look at the Fantasie moulded bras (smoothing, Rebecca, Esme), but that's really it. Chantelle might make 38H (which is their version of 38FF because they use EU sizing) in their C Chic Plunge or something, but all of these are shallower than the Deco. Honestly, if she's near a Nordstrom and has the time, she should try every bra in her size that she can, because she might find something that she likes even better than the Deco which isn't similar to it style wise, but might give her the same kind of shape. With unpadded bras, you can get a similar rounded forward shape, but it really depends on your natural shape.

    EDIT: I just looked on the Nordstrom site, there aren't any moulded plunges really except for the Deco. Some decent bras that are worth a shot in her size that are moulded include: Cleo Maddie Moulded T-shirt Bra (7091), Freya Deco Hatty Moulded Plunge Bra (1281), Freya Deco Flamingo (1431), Elomi Hermione (8120), Fantasie Rebecca (2024), and Fantasie Smoothing T-shirt (4510). Ones that are known to give a round shape include: Panache Andorra Full Cup (5675), Freya Patsy Padded Half Cup Bra (1223) , Cleo Ellis (7211), Cleo Marcie (6831), Cleo Lily Balconnet Bra (7531), and Freya Totally Tartan Padded Half Cup Bra (1423).

  • DarianaWheeland: I don't have bras in your friend's size, but wanted to ask if you are at the same address as before? I have some bras I want to send to you. If you can't use them, you always seem to be able to find someone who can.


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