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Ewa Michalak self discovery » All bra adventures


Ewa Michalak self discovery

As much as I love and appreciate EM's extensive size range in padded bras I'm finding that Ewa Michalak in general makes my breasts look bigger. It's a lot of boob all piled on your chest. I feel that for my 5' 10" US size 12/14 frame EM's add weight. Under tight clothes EM's can be marvelous. However if you have a bit of a tummy and don't feel comfortable in skin tight clothes I find EM's less flattering. They make me look larger overall. I don't wear super baggy clothes just something with a little room to hide flaws. For comparison, in my Panache Jasmine it looks like I've lost ten pounds when compared to the S Ptys. I guess it's just a matter of preference and comfort level. We are our own worst critics after all. I hope this makes sense, and I wonder if anyone else finds this to be true, or am I just being too critical of myself?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Oct 17, 2013 Flag this


  • From what I've heard EM bras are the cleavage "make your boobs look bigger" bras,and unpadded bras tend to be more minimizing.I'm sort of drawn to EM bras for that reason,but also want an unpadded bra for clothes where I want to downplay it.
    I think it's more of a preference.Some people like to draw attention to their chest and some don't.

  • @SparkleDarkles, good point on the padded vs. unpadded. I am starting to realize that padded bras are not working in my size. I don't mind drawing attention to my chest but I do mind drawing attention to my fat. I guess the best remedy for that is to lose weight. Easier said than done :(. Love the name btw. Very girly.

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