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Oct 03, 2013 Help on Ewa Michalak sizing, please! » All bra adventures

Oct 03, 2013 Help on Ewa Michalak sizing, please!

Could anyone help me with the EM sizing, please? I ordered the 34G S Szykus. The cup is fine, but the band is too long, so I want to exchange for a smaller band and the same cup. On their site they advice to go like usual 1 cup up to 32GG, but their sizing chart says that I should go to 32H in order to stay with the same cup measurements (106,5 cm). Normally I would go for a 32GG, but seriously I'm confused this time.

Another question is whether I will have identical sizing as in 32GG or 32H of Szykus if I order another S bra, for example S Wisniowka or S Porcelanka?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Oct 03, 2013 Flag this


  • Do you know how much smaller you want the band to be?
    I'd recommend adding your bra and do a search by measurements. That should give you a hint on what band/cup to get for other EM style.

  • So far I've found that their sister sizes (in the same bra type) are quite consistent. I'd recommend going up a cup size for each band size you size down to (so in this case 32GG). On the other hand, the cups might feel alright now only because the band is too big. If you like to be on the safe side, you could order both the 32GG and the 32H and return the one that is too big/small.

    +What Jj says is also a good way of looking up the sizes you need. This comes in handy especially if you are comparing different bra styles (Pl, S, CHP etc.) and models within a certain bra style.

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