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Is there any difference between the blue and pink Andorra? » All bra adventures

Is there any difference between the blue and pink Andorra?

I found a decently priced 38GG blue Andorra, which is a sister size to my 36H pink Andorra, and I want to make sure there's no differences besides the color.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Oct 01, 2013 Flag this

  • Take a look at my Andorra 36HH measurements if you like,it was in the blue color.
    And did you find that one on ebay cause I remember seeing a blue 38GG when I was looking,I bet it's the same.haha.Could also ask the person selling it to measure,some of them are quite helpful about that. :)

  • Amazon, actually. I saw the one on eBay too, but I like buying from amazon.

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