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Everyone was right! » All bra adventures


Everyone was right!

I just got a Cleo Ellis in the mail, and even though it was a little big in the cups, it was ridiculously open at the top. Marcie cuts are not right for me. I'm so disappointed because it's the prettiest bra ever, but at least I have an Andorra to console me now.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Oct 01, 2013 Flag this


  • B1994 sorry if I'm slightly confused- when you say the marcie cut doesn't work for you but in the cleo Ellis post you said you were full on top - I'm FoT and find all the open space in the marcie to be wonderful - so I'm just wondering why it doesn't work for you but it does work for me. The marcie is a bizarre cut that does get recommended for FoT, so I think it's good if we know why it fits some people and not others. :)

  • It's too open at the top. I'm not extremely full on top, and it swamped me. It probably has something to do with it being a bigger band and cup size. I hear the bigger sizes are kind of off.

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