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Aug 15, 2013 » All bra adventures

Aug 15, 2013

Yet another "shape" inquiry:

I am wondering...
Can different breasts "fold" or "smoosh" differently, top or bottom, regardless of nipple direction? Then it would almost seem as though "long" or "short" have more to do with how bras fit, rather than "shallow" vs. "rounded"? I don't know...this is extremely complicated for me.

Although I'm certain my breasts have always been wide and have always fallen to the sides, my nipples, prior to having 3 babies, were centered. Even now, when bending over, my nipples are located at the apex of two pyramids. When I stand up straight, I look shallow on top, and the fullness falls mostly to the sides, rather than the bottoms.

Say the following is a photo of me with some Impressionistic pink "paintbrush" strokes over it:

The shading is an attempt to show the progression of the "fullness" (darker to lighter). Even though the tissue has succumbed to gravity, the overall fullness is still mostly on my sides, rather than top or bottom. (Does this make sense?) I know my breasts are "shallow" but which fullness should I identify with when searching for bras?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Aug 15, 2013 Flag this


  • I think there is Fot and FoB. But also full on sides and full in middle. I like bras that give more room or depth on the bottom and in the middle like where the center gore is. You can be FOB and FOS. That's what the picture looks like to me.

  • I didn't think that shallow vs. rounded was a thing? Do you mean shallow versus projected or rounded versus pointy?

    I would first and foremost look for bras that are shallow, because if it's too projected, I find that that looks way more "strange" if you will than if it's a bra designed for more top fullness or bottom fullness than I have. Honestly, it looks like you're even based off of that picture.

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