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Feels like I’m starting from scratch… » All bra adventures


Feels like I’m starting from scratch…

Hello, Bratabase! It’s been a while.

So much has changed for me since I was last active. Ive lost weight and had a baby, so my boobs are all out of whack thus making my bras not fit anymore. I’d like to put a content warning for this next section here, as I’m going to talk about pregnancy/children:

In terms of my pregnancy/having a baby stuff, it’s been a wonderful and fulfilling journey this far, but I’m counting down the days to be done with nursing so I can wear a REAL bra again. Because I’m nursing, my boobs have changed so much. They’re so squishy and even more saggy than they were before. I’ve also been losing a lot of weight, and now all of my old bras literally are like 3-4 sizes too big!

I’m anxious to start trying on new bras and to wear something nice again. I won’t lie, I’ve been doing some Amazon Wardrobe orders just to try on bras again even if I’m not keeping them. I imagine my size will change even more within the next couple of months since I’m actively working out and trying to lose weight. According to the ABTF calculator, I’ve gone from a UK 34J in end of 2021/beginning of 2022 to a UK 32G/GG. This is CRAZY to me! Like, a whole new window of opportunity has opened for me a feel like because a lot of really nice/cute bras are only in the smaller sizes. I’m excited to not be so limited on what I can but once I can start again!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jul 03, 2023 Flag this

  • "UK 32G/GG"

    yeah, I'm currently in this range, and I have to say - this is a great size b/c in the U.S. bra market (& and many, many Polish brands), most full bust brands will make 32G or 32GG UK.

    Loosing weight would mean less bra options for me - down to a 30 band. However, in Polish brands, there is still lots of options. (yes, I'm aware I plug Polish brands a lot...I promise I'm not a paid spokesperson in any way, shape, or form. It's honestly just a hobby!)

    In 32G or 32GG UK, you might be able to find more "sale bras" for example, just looking at Breakout Bras clearance section in that size, they have inexpensive swimsuit tops in that size.
    Congrats on the little one!

  • I did a comparison of bra website in the size 32GG (my current size), these are UK brands, which I normally don't wear, but I thought to do the comparison with these websites.

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