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I have this idea... » All bra adventures


I have this idea...

of a website where you could design your own bra. No, not to be manufactured, but just so that you can present your bra dreams to other :D There'd be this option to choose if it should be a balconette, plunge, full cup and etc, and you would be able to choose the straps and so on :D Why do I get these awesome ideas when I can't make reality out of them? :(

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Aug 07, 2013 Flag this

  • I think Curvy Kate made a contest with a Facebook app like that for swimwear a few months ago. I didn't play it, but I saw many of the designs floating around.
    It seems that it is down now, I can't find the link but there's this tweet :P

  • Bummer :( I would've liked that! x) Hmm... Someone with web skills seriously need to create a website that allows you to do that 24/7!

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