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Aug 05, 2013 » All bra adventures


Aug 05, 2013

So as I've been trying to wear bras that fit better, I've noticed that it seems like my "root" has gotten narrower. My chest shape is still the same (very barrel shaped), but it seems like my root actually ends more at the front edge of my *very narrow* chest and my boobs seem to have more projection than I had before. Is this normal?

Also, I've not really been "advertising" this fact, but I'm pregnant, so would love some suggestions on bras that are made for narrower frames with larger cups--preferably without wires, I can't seem to take the wires right now. My measurements haven't changed, I'm just narrower in root and deeper in projection than I was a few months ago (though this transformation started BEFORE the pregnancy).

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Aug 05, 2013 Flag this

  • Hmm..That is interesting.
    I hope as I wear better fitting bras I end up with more projection myself.

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