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Do you feel like you have a bra that "got away"? Lol. » All bra adventures


Do you feel like you have a bra that "got away"? Lol.

Okay, inspired by this Instagram post by ThatAwkwardFit! Do you feel like you have that "one that got away" only it was a bra before your time?

For me, it's definitely the Comexim Sonia, that was available in both plunge and half cup. I first noticed it when I was recommended Comexim on bratabase - it's the pretty princess bra! Lol. Also, it was available in 3HC.

Seriously though, as I progress on my journey, I noticed all bra bloggers have assessed it, yet it is no more.

I guess the more reason to bravangelize, so people don't miss out on their favourite bras!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jul 07, 2021 Flag this


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