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Roxy longline » All bra adventures


Roxy longline

Ooh, someone /finally/ posted a Elomi Roxy Longline Bra (8701) review:

I've been waiting for ages and wasn't able to find a single one, so broke down and ordered a 36H and 38H from Nordstrom a few days ago with every intention of returning them (woo free shipping both ways!) and buying somewhere cheaper if they're magic. That price tag is pretty high for not knowing if they'll work.

But a wide and tall wires endorsement has me excited. (And I'm just going to plug my ears and hum at the negatives until I see them for myself. :p )

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jul 16, 2013 Flag this

  • Ooooooh, a longline bra that MIGHT fit me? I'm so intrigued. I'm usually in a 36J, so not holding out hope that the 36HH would fit. Also, the bit about high, wide wires concern me. I'd like to see measurements. I think Elomi runs pretty wide in general, though. Based on the measurements on here and my past experiences with the Hermione, it won't fit. :-( Maybe I'll bit the bullet and order in 36HH and 38JJ. There won't be a store around here for hundreds of miles that would carry it. :-(

  • Ohhhh but do I wish it came in those sizes. :( the original advertised size range was a lie, it's only up to an H cup, hence the sizes I ordered.(I usually take a 34J or 36HH in elomi if there's no 34.)

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