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Bravissimo Selina » All bra adventures


Bravissimo Selina

After another hot and humid day, I was taking/peeling this white Selina off and noticed something for the first time. I had mentioned in my review that the wings seemed extra soft compared to other bras and fully expected to feel that softness after unfastening the hooks but what happened surprised me. I was able to feel the inside and outside of the wing material slide against each other, which suggested there were 2 fabrics to this wing. I am not referring to the upper and lower seams but the panels, if you will, of the wings. I have never noticed any of my bras having more than 1 fabric. I was surprised that there was 2 very different levels of softness to the materials and perhaps even more surprising was the softer of the 2 materials was on the OUTSIDE of the wing. No wonder I could not feel anything different in the wings when I first wore and reviewed this bra. Perhaps this is not unusual but it is a first for me. I also did not mention in my original review that the material the hook and eyes are mounted on are the thickest and at the same time softest material I have ever noticed in a bra fastener. It's taken a year but I have become very happy with all of my Selina's.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jul 05, 2020 Flag this


  • Ah I once had a Selina back in my 34L days--- it was a great bra but it took some time to "break" in... but it was a great bra. Now you talk about it here, I kinda wanna try it again. (I sold mine I can't remember if I noticed about the fabric) But I really like that Bravissimo bras over a certain size have extra lining... often reviewers hate it, but I rahter have more support than less with a flimsy fabric.

  • @alisa, as a matter of fact, I think it was one of your reviews a few years back that prompted me to try the white/grey Selina. It may not have been your actual review of the Selina but was one where you observed that Bravissimo's larger cup sizes were very different from the images online and if I remember correctly, you wished they would provide alternate images. I could not agree with you more. I took a pass on some of Bravissimo's more recent offerings only to regret passing on them after you post one your reviews. For example, I regret not trying the Dina and the Nina although the Nina only went to a K cup.
    I just checked my first Selina, the white/grey and it uses only one material in the wings. I was really hoping you were going to try the Jenna with it's magnetic clasp in the hope that you would confirm whether the band properly carried the majority of the weight but it is pretty much sold out.

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