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Comexim woes » All bra adventures


Comexim woes

I got a big order of Comexim bras last week, and though they were all made in my custom size, for the first time ever they ignored the rest of my requests! It’s not as if they were complicated, either - I just asked that three of them be made as plunges instead of 2 or 3HCs, and the gores be overlapped. I haven’t had any issues with these customizations in the past.

I haven’t contacted them yet because I don’t really know what I want them to do about it. Have me send the bras back and remake them? I’m wary of this as the last time I attempted to send something back to Poland I must’ve done something wrong and my package got stuck in Polish customs limbo and was eventually returned to me. But I ordered the plunges because they fit me better.

So basically: argh. Any advice?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 14, 2019 Flag this


  • I would contact them by replying to your original request email and then send pictures of what you received to confirm. See what they have to say.

  • This is why I stopped ordering from Comexim, twice. When done correctly they are wonderful, but they are inconsistent at best. Sorry you experienced this as well.
    I agree with @Cupandahalf. Your order confirmation should have your original request on it. Address it to Anna who is the owner. She will either ask you to return them (use Paypal's free return option & make sure to mark the outside of the box with "Returned Goods" to avoid rejection due to import fees) or if it would be cheaper she may opt to just redo them or refund the order.

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