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Yay online bra shopping! :/ » All bra adventures

Yay online bra shopping! :/

This time last week, I eagerly awaited the arrival of my first Freya Deco, my first EM, another unpadded Freya, and my first Masquerade. They've all arrived, and I'm 3 for 4.
The Freya Deco was a crushing upset to the body positive self-image I'm working on. The darn thing made me quad half way through my boobs (not just the garden variety muffin top) *and* gapped at the top. WTH? How is that even possible? D: Swapped it for a Cleo Lucy; I hope that will work better for me.
The EM S Ptys is lovely. I'm glad I went for an "S" style, despite the gore being at the upper end of my comfort limit, since it's "specially designed for "difficult" breasts as well as those in poor condition". I rode hard in it, and it did its job beautifully. I'll keep my eyes open for more used "S" models close to my size.
The Freya Tallulah is quite nice. There's a tiny touch of orange in a glass, but it won't show up under polo shirts. And it's kind of cool to have a discontinued bra from 2007 in good shape; feels like a collectors' item.
Lastly, the Masquerade Amira. Oh my goodness, such loveliness. I'm afraid to wear it to work and get it sweaty. It seems like it would be a crime against bramanity.

But that Deco thing... ugh... :/ Anyone else ever had that happen?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jun 27, 2013 Flag this


  • That actually sounds like my Deco experience. I cried I'm a lingerie store dressing room, it looked so horrible :-(

  • Deco just does not work if you are FoB, especially if you are somewhat soft. I get massive gaping and falling out of the center in one size, and in the next size down I fill up the top but get massive quadboob. The difference between them is so pronounced that it is as if there are four cup sizes of difference between them instead of one.

    Bravissimo Satine is a plunge that works a lot better for me. If you're working against the shape of your breasts, few bras are as unforgiving as molded ones, and the Deco can be exceptionally cruel.

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