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Swoop and scoop. Nah no more » All bra adventures


Swoop and scoop. Nah no more

Since I stopped doing it excessively I actually can stand 34HH - Bravissimo » Mademoiselle Bra (LN110) for 8 hours.

Wire distorts still but it doesn't bother me anymore since it's not excessive.

Also I don't mind that I'm walking around braless most of the time.

I've given up on bra fitting by the book. I've given up on boob building. And I am much calmer.

I will try more bras but I have completely stopped feeling desperate for them. And I have accepted I will never have a perfect fit.

I feel like having gotten out of a psychosis.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jun 27, 2013 Flag this


  • My two cents: are you comfortable? Do you like how it looks? Then it is your right fit. If your bras cause discomfort or make you feel unhappy about your (or their) appearance, then you should keep looking, but don't change what you're happy with to make someone else happy. It sounds like you're there, so good for you - enjoy :-)

  • I usually recommend swooping and scooping, and I know many women do too, but really, no one should be forced to do it when they're much happier NOT doing it! I'm starting to believe that there really is no universal guide that'll suit everybody. All we can do is try to help each other.

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