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Jun 24, 2013 » All bra adventures

Jun 24, 2013

Not really a bra "adventure"...but I wanted to share for those of you who may be "new" to all this, like me. I don't work for any laundry companies and I'm not plugging a brand for personal profit, I promise. I'm just sharing a positive experience in case it helps anybody:

Having lived with Los Angeles water most of my life, here in Phoenix the water doesn't seem all that bad. However, using Gain or Tide on bras would destroy them in no time at all. I used The Laundress, or even Woolite, for years, but when I started reading "Linda the Bra Lady" I bought LeBlanc Fine Fabric wash upon her recommendation. I always thought that liquid detergents were best for undergarments. Recently I got a powdered detergent called "Forever New" for sale, 30% off. Wow! I cannot believe the positive difference in how it cleans and most of all SOFTENS. It smells wonderful...almost like baby laundry wash...but not quite as sweet. With LeBlanc wash I had to soak my bras a minimum of 20 minutes, and with Forever New I soak 3-5 minutes. My bras have dried and they are softer than they've ever felt.

I sound like a corny 1970's TV commercial, I know, but, gals, if you have hard water and your bras are getting crispier by the wash, you may want to try Forever New. ;)

I SWEAR I do not work for this company and I heard of it the first time last week when I bought the stuff on sale.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jun 24, 2013 Flag this


  • I use Forever New too, and have for years. I use the liquid version, called "Ovacion", because it was formulated especially for elastics, and our bras are full of elastics. When I use it the elastic firms up and the bras smell good and feel soft.

    I also use it for delicate sweaters and upholstery.

  • I'll look for the Ovacion...definitely need to cater to the elastic because as soon as the bra gets loose the boobs fall down. Thanks for the rec!

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