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Sigh » All bra adventures



IDK why but the 70Gs just don't feel as supportive as 70FFs. I feel like the top of my breast is bouncing around completely unsupported.
The 70Gs are more comfortable, that's for sure, but 70FFs felt actually supportive all over which is a comfort of its own in a way :/
The shape they give is completely different. The 70Gs are all a little pointy, while 70FFs are nice and round.

I feel like it might be that I'm just doomed to never having it quite right with EM bras.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Dec 07, 2018 Flag this


  • It sucks being kinda between sizes, so one is too small yet the size up doesn't give that shape or support you want and need. :-( Sorry honey.

  • which model again? i mean, have you tried different ones? they all fit differently. for me, BM was the most flexible, size-wise, but gave hte most natural shape. SM - my first was very open on top, which led to more jiggling, but later ones (larger sizes?) were more closed which gives better control. and the SF was the best fitting cup for me, and the top stretch material was firmer than the BM

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