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My bra saga... » All bra adventures


My bra saga...

Because it is a saga!

I thought I'd post this adventure because its a classic example of how one bad fitting can have repercussions for years and years.

I was 14 when I went for my first fitting - my mum walked in on me changing and realised that my 34b training bra was ripped because i had outgrown it, she whisked me off to the pinnacle of British lingerie manufacturing- marks and spencer. I was very intimidated as a burly middle aged woman prodded and poked me with a tape measure- and she announced that I was a 36c- from memory I reckon that my measurements were at the time 32" under and 39"over (with a bra on). So back she came with a pack of non wired,full coverage white bras. For a 14 year old.
They looked like this:
She tried one one me (the only bra that she actually fitted me in) and pronounced it a perfect fit- I thought it must be as I knew no better. She then proceeded to give my mum quite possibly the worst piece of fitting advice I have ever heard which was 'she shouldn't wear an underwired bra til her boobs stop growing, as the underwire resting on the tissue will stunt it's growth, and you shouldn't wear anything underwired when you are menopausal!'

So off I went with my hideous bra - and spent the next year trying to hide when I got changed for PE as all my classmates had pretty bras that were pink and lacy, where as I had a huge white thing attached to my chest- and I didn't even have big boobs! They were only a C! I then saved up my money and bought myself a wonderbra - again in a 36c, only to realise that I was even more of a freak as even a wonderbra couldn't give me cleavage. I hated my body. I hated how my body looked in clothes, how I couldn't get my posture right no matter how I tried, and this went on for years. I then went to bravissimo, just for a try, and I remember saying 'I don't thinks my boobs are big enough for your shop' to my fitter. I came out a 32e with and waist and an hourglass figure- and it was amazing! I'm now in a 30HH-32GG and I'm so much more confident in my skin, I know that I have a slim waist and big boobs, and that no one can make me wear a white bra! My mum still thinks I wear underwires too much tho!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jun 13, 2013 Flag this


  • Marks and Spencer's told me the exact same thing! I completely ignored their advice and wore underwires. They also first suggested a 34A for me, I was probably about a 28E/30DD, but I stood my ground about being uncomfortable and they conceded that I was a 32D.

    Have you been there recently to see if they have improved at all? I doubt it but i am curious.

  • I'm glad you've found a good fit! I can understand M&S recommending non-wired bras for younger girls, but that's the first time I've ever heard of underwires stunting breast growth... I don't understand how that could work. Surely the wires shouldn't be resting on breast tissue in the first place.

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