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Tireless bractivist » All bra adventures


Tireless bractivist

Whew! I feel as if I'm some crazy lady trying to convert people's religions.

I recently fitted a friend into a 32B (yes, she has a 32 inch ribcage with a two inch difference!) and insisted that my other friend was not the "32A" she thought she was. Apparently she had measured herself to be 28C, but I don't think she really is. We went over the LaSenza and got her to try a 30C (no mainstream 28 bands in Canada sadly) and discovered the band to be too big and it "fit" in the cups (will have to enlighten her more later).

On an online forum, some women were harping on a girl for discovering she is a C. Of course there were comments like "I'm a B and she looks smaller than me, there's no way she is a C". But I kid you not, somebody posted "just because you fit a C cup, doesn't mean that you are a C! You have to get properly measured! I wear a large in clothes and sometimes I wear a small". Oh my god, all that fail in one quote, I just can't.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jun 13, 2013 Flag this

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