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Jun 10, 2013 "Men Wear Bras" forum » All bra adventures


Jun 10, 2013 "Men Wear Bras" forum

I was surfing around the web and ran across something called "Men Wear Bras" I guess it's a forum for men who wear lady's bras. They have all sorts of catigories like, Bra stories, bra adds and more. I was going to check it out but couldn't unless I registered, which I did not. I just thought it was kind of interesting and weird.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jun 10, 2013 Flag this

  • I imagine that men have a lot of issues with fitting bras, given how many problems even cis women have, despite the fact that bras are designed with our torsos in mind. It makes sense to have a group for sharing information about topics that are specific to men wearing bras, like how to get it to fit the torso and how to handle the padding.

  • I want to join because I think it would be interesting to see their perspective on bras, and like Aaa said, learning about their fitting issues, but I'm a little worried that they'd take offence to me trying to join because I'm a cis female... I want to ask if it would be ok first before registering but can't find a way. =/

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