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Jun 07, 2013 -- Bravissimo exchange order #umpteen arrived ... » All bra adventures

Jun 07, 2013 -- Bravissimo exchange order #umpteen arrived ...

The verdict so far (proper reviews will follow):

Cleo Juna in 30DD: WHY does this bra not work for me?! The cups are only very slightly too tall and the shape is simply stunning. BUT, the wires ... ! The wires are outright PAINFUL and just too narrow and too short for me for comfort. I don't think going up a size will fix this as it would also make the cups come up higher and I definitely don't need that.

Bravissimo Retro Bloom in 30DD: as usual with Bravissimo bras I find they look better on their website and this bra is no exception. Oh, it's cute all right, but just ... I don't know. Anyway, it just doesn't work for me, neither design- nor fit-wise. I get the same problem I have with the Fauve padded half cups I have tried: an ugly indentation at the side support panel. Also otherwise the shape is just off: it gaps, the apex seam puckers and it's POINTY. Yes, that's right, it looks pointy on me and in an unflattering downward pointing way to boot.

Bravissimo Rococo Charm (coral/pink) in 30DD: this one actually is nice -- the coral is less 'neon' than it appears on the site, but I prefer it that way and it's still plenty zingy. The cups are slightly too tall which in this case causes wrinkling in the bottom. Some gapping at the top due to my usual armhole issues. Also: slight puckering along the apex seam, but no distortion along the side support panel. The shape is, again, POINTY, but this time in a kind of perky, cute-ish retro kind of way. It desperately needs to be WASHED though before it's wearable.

Le Sigh.

I might keep the Rococo Charm, because it's definitely cute enough and it would be just the thing for summer. I really really need an unpadded bra, but the many many 'imperfections' make me sad. I KNOW by now that this is as 'good' as it will ever get, but still.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Jun 07, 2013 Flag this


  • I think the pointy shape would go away with the tighter band because that's how it generally works on me at least. I have decided to live with that so far. But then again I don't use those bras for long so it can be done. It's not for everyday use ;/

  • Think so? To me it seems more to do with the 'shape' of the seam, if that makes any sense ... but it's strange that I never noticed it in the Mademoiselle I tried months ago. Anyway, I'm wondering whether it will soften up with wash and wear, as this band seems plenty tight for me. It's just that I have ZERO unlined bras at the moment and I don't really know what else I can try.

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