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Oh no I'm running out of unpadded bras! » All bra adventures

Oh no I'm running out of unpadded bras!

I have been selling and buying bras lately - solely because of the too wide wires. My friend whom I fitted a few weeks ago who's the same size as I am had bought three of my bras, Cleo Lucy, Miss Mandalay Paris and Panache Sienna.

And now I feel like letting go CK Emily and Panache Ariza. I seriously cannot deal with wires above 5.5" anymore, and I realised...the one that's left is my Debenhams Gorgeous. D:

I'm waiting for EM Classic and Cleo Brooke to arrive. I hope those will be better. I seriously love my unpadded bras.

I need more unpadded bras with narrow wires! Why do Freya bras are expensive even on ebay?!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 30, 2013 Flag this

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