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Ahhh postal service, y u no more cheap? » All bra adventures

Ahhh postal service, y u no more cheap?

Since bratabase has taken back the reimburse of shipping cost for the sale of bras (exchange and giveaway are still eligible), I have been offering free shipping whenever I sell my bras.

Well, this morning I went to the post office to ship a bra using my usual registered parcel method, and the lady behind the counter warned me that the postal service has revised the tariff for letters and small packets. Something about it doesn't bring profit, standardised according to the world's posting rate, etc. And I found out it has now costed me double to ship a bra! What usually costs me 5 USD, is now 10 USD! Arrgggggggggh. 10 USD is like three days worth of my lunch money.

I'm SO glad I'm able to figure out my proper size way before the tariff is revised. Can you imagine if I'm just starting out? D: D: D:

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 29, 2013 Flag this


  • That's about what it costs to send 1 bra to Europe as a registered letter (small parcel). Worldwide, more... If I can get the bra packed flat (non-padded) I will NOT send it tracked.

    I would not get 3 days lunches with that money though. Unless I cook it myself, and even then it's a tight squeeze. Finnish food prices :(

  • Thats an unpadded bra going to USA from here :/ I know, I was doing the same until I realized that I'm left with 3-5 dollars of earning on a new bra :/
    You'll just have to charge shipping.

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