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May 28, 2013 » All bra adventures

May 28, 2013

I have a confession to make.... Despite my passion and perhaps fanaticism about properly dotting bras, I've never bought a sports bra that fits. The closest I have is a 34C/D, compression style. I don't do a lot of exercising, and what I do is mostly Pilates, yoga, stepper, elliptical, so nothing really high impact. And I probably wear them more just cleaning the house or going to the grocery store. I've never been able to justify paying $60+ for a sports bra, especially since in my experience they never look good anyway. Now I'm wondering if wearing compression bras is causing de-migration. They clearly are when I'm wearing them, despite my best efforts to keep things front and center, but I'm more concerned about even afterwards. And putting a regular bra on after a very casual long weekend, I'm starting to think it's time to make that investment.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 28, 2013 Flag this


  • Definitely worth it; if you're wearing it so much!

    I actually don't let myself wear sports bras just lazing around BECAUSE they're so damn expensive and I want to 'save' them for working out. (3-4 times a week; I run)

    I could live in my Panache Sports bra though.

  • Another vote for high-quality, well-fitting sports bras.

    As soon as I got my Panache Sports bras, I couldn't believe I'd spent so much time in cheap, boob-mashing (but not bounce-preventing) compression bras (non-bra-sized — just size M from Costco). They're so much more comfortable and flattering, too. (Why can't all bras have such lovely cushioned underwires?)

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