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I hate Lucy » All bra adventures

I hate Lucy

After getting some rave reviews on my 32G Lucy (yellow), but having to get rid of it because of persistent inner quad boob, I decided to try again and alter one. I got the purple (vibrant purple!) in sister size 34FF. The plan: alter the gore so the cup spacing was as close to 0 as possible, to eliminate the inner quad boob and with luck keep the straps from slipping off my narrow, sloping shoulders.

Failing all all counts. The purple bra with a 34 band is tighter than the yellow (feels equally tight, not tighter, but the photos tell the tale). Also feels as though it will loosen quickly (to me, that means poorer quality). However, I wore it for an hour each on separate days and the quad boobage is pretty bad. In the photos I posted with my review you can see it when it was just put on).

The wires are fine on the sides, and would be OK in the center (I think) if the cups didn't angle sharply away from the gore.

No idea what I'm going to do with this one now.

I did sew up the gore of an older Fantasie (bought used) and liked the results, which is why I gambled on this bra.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 25, 2013 Flag this


  • Hmm my thought is that Lucy isn't very nice towards full on bottom boobs?

  • I'd give it mixed reviews on FOB...biggest issue is that it closes up too fast from the bottom root to the gore, at too sharp an angle. So definitely not for those needing wider wires, narrow gore or containment for soft "oyster" boobs (I've switched from octopus boobs as the tentacle imagery doesn't work, even though an octopus body is squidgy).

    What my experience also shows is that the different color Lucys do fit much differently, and I see that as a quality control problem.

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