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So I'm kind of curious » All bra adventures


So I'm kind of curious

Those of you who have significant others, how do they react to your bra obsessions? Are they supportive of your quest for The One or are they mystified by your behavior? My boyfriend basically is like "What's the big deal, it's just bras" but then he's one of those guys that doesn't get all worked up over lingerie? Like it makes no difference if I wear a burlap sack or Mimi Holliday, apparently lol. Apparently it's only going to come off anyway. Like, if I wear ridiculous heels the reaction is not "Dang!" it's... "Aren't those heels uncomfortable? ... :("

So then he found out I'm swapping and selling my old (but in good condition) bras and he's weirded out by this?? He doesn't understand and said something about sweaty undergarments and how he wouldn't wear some dude's secondhand drawers. And I'm like "Some people spend upwards of $40 on a damn bra -- this is something that you don't even have to deal with! Maybe some people (myself included) like a good bargain!" He's still like "That's still kind of weird? I still wouldn't wear underwear that had someone's sweaty balls in it even after they were washed!"

Hello! Boobs are not exactly the same thing as balls, oh my godddd. What the hell.

And I'm just... ...ಠ_ಠ

I just had to vent ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 22, 2013 Flag this


  • Haha! Mine doesn't understand why I spend so much money on bras. He does appreciate really attractive bras though. I've been on a quest to find a Mulberry Rhea and he actually keeps asking "When are you going to get that sexy wine colored bra?". And he was also really excited when I bought a Masquerade Delphi Basque. But in general, I usually get, "You bought ANOTHER bra?!"

    He also thinks it's crazy that I spend so much time on the internet talking about bras when I should be doing homework or something fun.

  • My boyfriend has been surprisingly supportive. I've spent a lot of time ranting and showing him my old stuff, how badly it fits and what's going wrong. When I order new stuff, I will try on everything I consider keeping for him. He's much more objective about fit (he doesn't get excited about colors and styles ahead of time) than I am so his input is actually very helpful. If he thinks I'm completely insane for buying so many bras, he hides it pretty well.

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