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Bra shopping wishful thinking » All bra adventures

Bra shopping wishful thinking

I'm still looking for a thin bra for summer. I've ordered the Cleo Lucy in 28FF and 28G but don't think they are going work for me. I've received the 28FF and while it "fits" I can tell that the wires are too narrow at the top. I'm still waiting for the 28G (I ordered from Amazon for the free shipping and returns) but I think based on how the 28FF fits that the cups will end up too big.

In the mean time I hit up Nordstrom's to see if I could make do with any 30 bands. Yeah, that's not going happen. I fastened them on the tightest hook and they still felt like I could slip them off easily without unfastening them (not literally of course since my boobs would be in the way.)

Sigh. As soon as I find a job again I'm just going to order the Bravissimo non-padded half cups. They may not be mesh but at least they aren't padded.

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 09, 2013 Flag this

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