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May 06, 2013 Empreinte bras » All bra adventures

May 06, 2013 Empreinte bras

I was checking out Empreinte bras on HerRoom(,bras,empr01,001,23.html) and I noticed the price for their bras are about the most expensive I've seen. Do any of you have and wear Empreinte bras? And if you do, do you think they are worth the price? Could they be that much better than say Panache or Chantelle?

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on May 06, 2013 Flag this


  • Here's a post by someone who thinks they're worth the price:

  • I've owned a few Empreinte bras (I have a rich mother who desperately tried to discourage me from seeking reduction surgery by buying me expensive lingerie). They're high-quality, well-made and very pretty. For a while, when I still thought I should be wearing a 30 band, they were the most comfortable bras I could find.

    Worth the money? Probably not, in general. My breast size, like most peoples, tends to fluctuate enough that I retire bras long before they're worn out, simply because they don't fit quite right anymore. And honestly, as high-quality as Empreinte bras may be, I don't get the feeling like they're significantly more durable than, say, a Panache bra for a quarter the price.

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