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What do GG+ gals do for strapless plunges? » All bra adventures


What do GG+ gals do for strapless plunges?

I was looking at a dress that I'd like to try which would show off a significant amount of cleavage (hellooo date night!) but I don't own a strapless plunge bra....and it would appear that no one in the GG+ sizes have that sort of an option. So what do all the GG+ gals do when they need a plunging strapless for a special occasion? Because I've tried that going up in band size thing, and for a strapless it just doesn't work...there's nothing sexy about hiking your bra up all night. OTOH, if I don't wear a bra, I have no cleavage that doesn't work either.

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Shared on Apr 16, 2013 Flag this


  • Ahh a plunge strapless in my size at the top of my lingerie wishlist. Certain Ewa Michalak styles such as the PL Lilia with detachable straps may work. Other than that, I am not aware of any plunge strapless bras in the GG+ range :(

  • I wouldn't recommend the PL Lilia as a strapless. The deep plunge of it doesn't give much security and sturdiness without the straps. The only bra I can use at 28K as a strapless is a CH Lilia.

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