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Sportbras for concerts? » All bra adventures

Sportbras for concerts?

Two weeks ago I went to The Killers concert, and it was a lot of fun, on most of the songs all the crowd was jumping to the music and I couldn't help to wonder how many of the women there bothered to wear a sports bra for the concert, and if they didn't if they even cared or considered it.

Is it something you think of when going to a concert?

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Shared on Apr 16, 2013 Flag this


  • I used to go to many punk/ska/reggae concerts so there was a lot of jumping - but it was ages ago and I didn't have a clue about proper bra fitting.
    If I would go now (lucky you being able to see lovely Brandon) I would wear regular bra, I don't think I'm fit enough to do all that jumping now, lol

  • I visited a friend in NYC with the specific intention of can bet I wore my Freya underwire sports bra. I absolutely think of that...of course, I'm old.

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