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Bra fitters » All bra adventures

Bra fitters

Has anyone else ever had the experience of a not-so-friendly fitter? I went on a bra quest when I was home for spring break, and after FOUR STORES, finally came away with purchases I was happy with.
But at one store that I was initially so excited about, I left feeling actually pretty bad about myself =\

I'd tried on a Deco in a 30E at one of the previous stores and it was definitely too small. So I asked for a 30F. But little did I (and apparently the fitter) know that the plunge and half-cup models fit differently? So I think the half-cup in 30E was too small but the plunge in a 30F was too big. So I try it on, and the fitter tells me "you're definitely not an F cup." Which she then repeated multiple times. She brought me a couple of other bras in 30E, none of which fit properly even though she insisted that they were fine/should work. In the end, she made me feel stupid, and like I was wrong or different, rather than it being an issue of cup shape variation.

I was not pleased :(

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Shared on Apr 03, 2013 Flag this


  • You are not alone... I have a friend who had been wearing illfitting 36A/38As and who was refitted by me to around a 32D/30DD who was forced into 32B cups when she went to get properly fitted which was so incredible small in the cups on here that they were painful. While the fitter kept repeating that there was no way she was a D cup, even less a DD and that these bras fitted her perfectly. She was quite devestated afterwards. :(

  • This happened to my friend who lives in NY :( She went to the "reputable" Linda's Bra store and they insisted she was a 30D, when in reality she is a 28FF/26G!

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