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Sports bra advice! » All bra adventures

Sports bra advice!

Hello! I'm looking for advice on what size to try in the Elomi Energize. I got the chance to try it in the closest sizes Nordstrom had a few weeks ago, and I've just put up pictures.



They're both fastened on their tightest hooks. My normal default size seems to be 34J, or 36HH in tighter bands, but all the 36 band Elomis I've tried definitely start too loose on the loosest hook, and the 34s have felt good.

My guess would be to try the 34J, but I'm not sure, and thought I'd look for input. I definitely preferred the height and width of the wires on the 36J, but there's also tons of extra space in the top of the cup, since my boobs don't like fullcups. So I'm not sure what to do, because I don't want to cut off my root, but also would really love to minimize bounce.
(Also if you know a sports bra you think would work better, feel free to share!)

Help? :)

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Shared on Apr 01, 2013 Flag this

  • It's really hard to say as if the band on the 36J is too big, then the cups will appear bigger as well. :( If you end up feeling that the Elomi is not available in a small enough back and large enough cup, don't forget the Freya Active Underwired Sports Bra , which goes up to a K-cup...

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