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Bra flapping and listing terms » All bra adventures

Bra flapping and listing terms

Reading Branarchist's adventure on wrinkling bra, I was wondering: does flapping bra affect the support?

In this case it's not about the wrong size, but rather the wrong shape for your boobs. What if I'm full on bottom, but I buy a bra that fits nicely everywhere, but flaps horribly on top? Can't I just sew the top part so it is tighter on top? Will it affect the support?

Lastly, what the hell do ONO and FSOS mean in bra listing? I usually Google everything before I ask anybody, but googling FSOS gave me Fat Sack of Shit. I iz sad. :(

ETA: Okay after using my logic and thinking really hard, I think FSOS means For Swap or Sale. And googling ONO gave me Or Nearest Offer. Make sense!

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Shared on Mar 30, 2013 Flag this

  • I think you can sew the top without changing support **as long as the part you are sewing is not a part of the support system**?

    for example... The 36FF - Elle Macpherson Intimates ยป Artistry Underwire (E76-564) I have that mostly fits in the wire and bottom of the cup (though the band is too stretchy for me).... I *really* wanted to alter the straps so I could keep the bra, but because of the construction (including the pretty parts like the ribbon detail) and the support system, I can't move the strap over without messing up where the support comes from. It's a balconette style with support panels going around the outer edges and upward, directly into where the straps are.

    but ... if the straps were okay for me, I would have sewn the flappy lace part at the top of the cup, no problem, and then kept the bra.

    (The straps try to saw my arms off after about 2 hours of wearing, so I can't keep it.)

    Again, I'm not making sense to myself. I hope someone understood that.

  • oh and "ONO" just looks wrong to me! lol

    I'm used to OBO = or best offer

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