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Rant- Just when I think I know my size something goes wrong. . . » All bra adventures

Rant- Just when I think I know my size something goes wrong. . .

A year ago, I was certain I was a 30G/GG. Six months ago I thought I was a 30H/HH or 28J that could squeeze into a 30GG Freya Deco with some side boob. Now, I have terrible quadboob in my decos. I don't think it is migration, since I have been wearing my decos 85% of the time and they are so small that they probably have made my migration worse. I could have grown a bit I suppose. I am young, 19 years old. But I am also worried that I just never noticed these fit issues before. I thought my 30H panache/cleo/masquerade bras were perfect, but now I want to sister size up to a 32H since many of my preferred styles stop at an H cup. I am currently 29 inches underbust and my 30 bands which once felt perfect now feel too tight. I have tried Ewa Michalaks in 28JJ (CHP), 30HH (PL) and 32H(PL) recently. The 30 was the best in the band. The 28JJ was the best cup fit, only 1 size too small. I am waiting on two 32J HP Ewas at the moment. Theoretically, the 32J should only be one cup up from the 28JJ, but I am worried that it is going to be huge. I measure 43 over the bust so theoretically I should wear an H cup in a 32 band since I have a 13 inch difference between the band and my boobs. I also am waiting for a 32J Bravissimo Oh So Kimono bra. I am worried that these bras are going to be huge. I have never received a bra that was too large in the cups, and I have ordered bras I was certain would be way too huge before. I'm also afraid to part with my decos because of the uplift, cleavage and roundness they give me. No other bra has ever been able to make my boobs look that awesome. I'm a little worried about the band on the bravissimo bra. Every 32 besides those of Ewa Michalak have ridden up on me.. I think my recent too-tight feelings with 30 bands could be from the cups being too small? There's no way of knowing if any of what I'm saying is relevant until I receive the 32J bras. (I would probably be happiest in a 30JJ, but we will see). I also have had terrible blisters/acne recently where my wires sit. (I have never had more than 3 zits on my body at once before, so it is not a normal thing for me!) I probably didn't even provide enough information for any of you to help me, but at least I can stop thinking about this as much now that it is out in the open :)

P.S. If anyone needs a 30G/GG/H/HH/J 32DDD/E/F 34DD/DDD/E, check out my listings! I also have more listing I need to add later. I really need to sell these bras so I can find ones that fit!

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Shared on Mar 30, 2013 Flag this

  • Just a quickie comment 'cuz I'm going offline.

    If you're 19, please remember your boobs (and your body, for that matter) are nowhere near being done developing.

    Not only that, but even after your body settles down, it will still change over time as an older adult.

    All I can do is send internet *hugz* and hope that everything settles down for you soon. :)

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