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Anyone want to sell a Comexim bra in 60N or 65M? Also, Random Thoughts and Questions, part... I have no idea. » All bra adventures

Anyone want to sell a Comexim bra in 60N or 65M? Also, Random Thoughts and Questions, part... I have no idea.

Okay, sorry I always do this, but you know me - once the ADD brain starts thinking of boobs and bras, the subjects go everywhere and I have to make a post with a collection of them.

1) So yeah, I really want to try a Comexim bra, but sizing is of course tricky and I am SO TIRED OF WAITING FOR BRAS FROM POLAND TO ARRIVE. Seriously. I just want one of those nice narrow-wired beauties for my very own. So if any of you have been considering selling one in 60N or 65M and just never got around to listing it... I'm your girl. Dear Comexim salespeople, why is your sizing advice so bad? Makes Cellosubmarine all sad.

2) Have any of you removed wires from a bra to make a soft cup one (for sleeping, at least it would be in my case), and if so, do you have any advice or comments about it? I need to spend less time in wires, as my body seems to be rejecting them (by manifesting discomfort way more quickly than it used to), and while I won't leave the house without underwires I would sure love to lounge around more comfortably. Not finding a lot of softcup bras in my actual size (28K/30JJ or thereabouts). And yes, Jj, I know, cup size isn't a real thing. :)

3) Do any of you have bra/boob/curvy stuff Tumblrs? If so, please list so I can follow you. I'm making a Tumblr to go with my blog (not functional yet... almost... really...), and have been having fun reblogging things and sharing and whatnot, and would love to share your stuff too! I've been turning a lot of my lady friends on to proper bra fitting and such, and they are eager for knowledge and inspiration. I figure Tumblr is a great way to spread all the fine boobledge (boobs + knowledge?) that you ladies so kindly give out all the time.

4) This is more of just a sad little rant. I've been doing photo shoots for my blog, and my one friend (who is ordinarily a GREAT photographer) did a shoot that... Well... I just really don't like the photos. And I love him, and I don't want him to feel hurt or taken for granted... But please to not be giving me unattractive pics in my undies for the internets? Seriously. NO WANT. Have to figure out how to ask him if we can re-shoot, and totally feeling like a jerk in the meantime. And it was on one of my favorite bras, too (Cleo Marcie), which means I won't have a post about it till I figure this out! Boooooooo.

5) This is kiiiiind of off-topic, but do any of you have ideas for something belt-like that one could affix to a swimsuit somehow? Obviously it needs to be wettable, and ideally not too stiff so I can still lounge like the laziest person ever in a hot tub without really noticing it's there. I got the PUG Marilyn swimsuit a while back, and it's all NO WAISTLINE FOR YOU! Well, less waistline than is actually there, at least. Pretty sure they pinned it in back for the model on the website. :/

Okay, thanks again for indulging me with the random thoughts, and thanks anew in advance for any help/comments/etc. Have a lovely day!

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Shared on Mar 29, 2013 Flag this


  • 2) I have removed the underwires from my 44H US Cacique bra. It has a moulded and padded cup and I use it for lounging around at home and sleeping in. It works ok.

    It is definitely possible to remove the underwires. What it does is make the centergore part fall forward, end up lower and free up volume there. If the gore is too low, your breasts might have a tendency to escape the bra at this point, especially when you bow forward. If that doesn't bother you, go ahead.

    5) Belt/Strap made out of of swimsuit fabric? Ask in sewing forums and online shops, somebody has got to have some scraps left over. Or mutilate a cheap one-size-fits all bikini.

  • The closest I have is a 60L. It has a raised gore (requested alteration from previous owner) so has more volume room in the too center of the cups.

    As for #2, you can do it but you'll want to use a bra with a continuous band under the cups. If it goes band-wire-band/gore-wire-band the you loose support even more. If the band continues under the wire you have a bit more support. Like @t_maia said you loos all structure to the gore and it becomes a uniboob bra. A small slit in the underarm casing and it should slide right out.

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