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Bra fitting help » Worth exchanging for 28FF?

Bravissimo » Esther Longline Bra (LN354) » 30F 30:7

Issue resolved

Thanks everyone! Since a 28FF has the same cup volume as 30F and Bravissimo’s return/exchange policy is really great, I am actually going to exchange it for a 28FF because I don’t have a sewing machine.

Original problem

When I put this bra on, I was super happy because it feels like the perfect fit. It’s very comfortable, the gore tacks (and I don’t think it’s too wide like many of my other bras), it doesn’t cut in under the arms, and the cups don’t gap at the top. However, my snug underbust measurement is closer to 26” than to 28”, and this bra is a 30. It feels comfortable on the middle and tightest hooks, but too loose on the outer hook — and I know that means it’ll stretch to be actually too big after many wears. Upon scooping and swooping as much as I possibly could, I found that the right side (my bigger breast) had just a tiny bit of quad-boob. My smaller side, however, had a small gap in the inner side of the cup even with a cookie to compensate. I’m pretty sure that a 28 band would be a better fit, but I bought this on sale and I don’t think they still have 28F. Does the slight quad boob and slightly too large band merit exchanging for a 28FF, or does the slight gap on my smaller side mean I shouldn’t size up in the cup for fear of more significant gapping? Is the difference between 30F and 28FF sister sizes that significant?

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