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Bra fitting help » Worth keeping or reordering?

Comexim » Ingrid Plunge Bra (289) » 65F 30:6

Issue resolved

The bra is too small, I'm going to reorder the next cup up.

Original problem

This is ridiculously comfortable, but the gore doesn't tack.
The band is good, so the cup is too small and that's mostly apparent on my left side.
It doesn't seem to interfere horribly with support, but is it small enough that I should reorder the next cup up? Or am I being too critical?
I think it fits perfect on my smaller, right, side. But maybe not?
Are there other fit issues here?
These are the same issues I have with the Irish Coffee, but maybe not as evident since it doesn't come in quite as much at the top?
Any suggestions are great!
Thank you!

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