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Bra fitting help » Cups gaping - wrong size or cut #2

Ewa Michalak » Chp Cappuccino (317) » 70G 32:9

Issue resolved

I think the conclusion must be that the CHP style is not for me because of my top-flatness. I've decided to return all three Ewa bras.

I will perhaps give the HP a shot before it vanishes

Original problem

As with the CHP Stalowka I get a lot of gaping at the top. In this bra it's a bit worse. Partly, I think, because the cups are a little bit stiffer in the Cappucino than in the Stalowka. If I move my shoulders forward a little I can fit half my hand in the cups.

Are the cups too big or is it just my flat-on-top boobs that creates the problem?

In my CH Toffik 70FF I overspill but would that perhaps be different in the CHP cut?

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