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Bra fitting help » Strange things a foot...

Cleo » Darcy Padded Balconette (6821) » 30F 30:7

Issue resolved

So, I narrowed the centre gore and shortened the band until it didn't ride up any more. End result: Unstretched 22", stretched 26.50". Perfect cup size, as long as I don't roll my shoulders forward. I think this may make me a 28FF, 26G or somewhere in between (i.e. 26G with extender). Singularly the most comfortable undergarment I have ever worn!

Original problem

Notes: These pics were taken during my period. Also, I am pretty sure my measurements are wrong. Last week, I realized I was wearing all my bras 1"-1.50" below the actual base of my breasts. If I measure where the band must sit, in order to have underwires flush under base, breasts get in the way. After fiddling with tape measure have tried following: measure how far breasts protrude. Measure band in correct spot. Subtract for breast = 26.50
1) The back of the bra rides up very far, even on tightest hook.
2) When I swoop and scoop all of my migrated tissue, it gives me tremendous quadboob (aproximately 1/5-1/4 of my breast). (Hard to show in pics, because it shifts quickly!)
3) As soon a I move, it all unswcoops itself and the cup is again too big. Where does it all go??
4) After about an hour, the centre gore is anything but flat, but rather turns sideways and sits flush against left breast.?!?

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