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All listings » 55H 3HC piume notte

Comexim Piume Notte 3hc

Sale EUR €16.00

[Used] Would prefer to ship within EU but will ship anywhere if the buyer is okay with it

Ships from France

In pretty good condition! Band still snug, no visible flaws. Only tried on a few times since I received this from someone else.

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band65.5
Band Length46.0
Cup width11.5
Cup depth18.5
Wire length20.0
Cup height11.5
Cup separation1.4
Gore height6.0
Wing height8.0
Strap width1.3

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Owner's review

Love love the patterns! Kinda like wearing a piece of art. Super pretty bra! Gores almost overlap, gore height is a bit much for me but it's still comfortable because it's quite narrow. Narrow enough for me! Squishes my breasts, too shallow for me. Supposed to fit like a 26E/F. I'd suggest 55HH for a average to projected 26F in this style. Great quality, comfort. Band runs a bit smaller but it's not a problem for me. Super pretty and nice bra, wish it fit me better!

Disclaimer- still deciding if the 3 comexims are a perfect fit or not.

Updated on Jun 17, 2021 Flag this

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