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All listings » 32G - Natori » Fatale Bra (736053)

Natori Fatale Bra (736053)

Sale USD $20.00

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Wore this one day and discovered that it's just not the shape for me. I'm sure it would be great for someone else, though!

Very pretty fabric (love the lavender / gold / brown), soft fabric cup. 32G, but seems small in the cup.

Located in the US.

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band80.0
Band Length62.9
Cup width15.2
Cup depth21.6
Wire length27.9
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.6
Gore height5.1
Wing height8.9
Strap width1.3

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Owner's review

Feels a little "squeezy" - there is not one terrible thing about this bra, but several subtle things just aren't quite right:

-Scratchy straps and lace trim around top of cup

-Cup feels like it is pushing down on my breast - I get the slightest bit of quadboob, but I think it is the shape of the cup that doesn't work. Feels like the cup is squeezing my breasts into a shape they don't want.

-pokes and rubs in underarm, not at first but after a few hours of wear.

I wore this to work on the first wear and by the end of the day I was ready to take it off and fling it. It's very pretty and looks lovely, but I think the shape is just not for me.

Updated on Nov 28, 2013 Flag this

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