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All listings » 34H - Tutti Rouge » Fifi Bra (TU105)

Tutti Rouge Fifi Bra (TU105)

Sale EUR €23.00

[Used] Excluding shipping

I love the colour and I love the lift it gives me, but the wires are just painfully too wide for me, so I'm selling this Tutti Rouge Fifi, which I've worn about 10 times. It was 28 UKP new (~34 EUR); I'm asking 28 EUR for it. It has been hand-washed and dried flat and comes from a smoke- and pet-free house.

Tracked shipping is 5.50 EUR to anywhere in the world.

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band83.0
Band Length66.5
Cup width15.5
Cup depth30.0
Wire length38.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height9.5
Wing height9.5
Strap width1.6

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Owner's review

I really like the crisp pale green of this bra. It was a bit unusual to have just a vertical seam in a transparent bra, and I think this contributes to the unusual look: the gore appears almost punched in to my sternum. The bra minimizes and rounds, basically turning my projection into height and upper fullness. This is evident visually as well; my nipples even appear elongated vertically. With this bra, I get upper rounding all the way to my collarbone, which is normally just tails of spence as I am FoB. Size up in the cup for this bra, just like ... the Betty and Liliana. I thought the band was fine in the smaller of my two usual sizes, but I might wear it with a single hook of extender.

I've noticed that this bra doesn't have quite enough projection for me. Just above where the nipple is, I bulge up and toward the gore. This is most noticeable in side profile. My breast is still within the bra, I'm not quadboobing out the top, and I already sized up one cup size. It's similar to the look I get when I wear a bra with an overly constraining diagonal seam (although this bra has only vertical seams). It is somewhat visible from the front as well when I'm only in my bra. Thus the bra does not give the nicest shape if you have a lot of projection, although it is otherwise a nice bra.

This review is about the apple green colorway (Bravissimo exclusive).

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Updated on Feb 20, 2014 Flag this

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