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Bra Knowledge » The Bra Matrix » Versions » The Bra Matrix as of 2017-05-02 21:49:37.041279

Refers to the belief that all bra sizes range from 32-40 bands and all cups are A to DD cups and that anything other than that does not exist.


There are two interpretations of the term "Matrix":

  1. Talking about the table of bra sizes
  2. Referencing the Matrix movie, where there is a whole world that exists that you are not aware of. The analogy would be that once you learn about all the new sizes you'd be taking the red pill, also called as "Breaking from the bra matrix"

    You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Matrix sizes

The term "Matrix sizes" is used when talking about sizes in the 32-40/A-DD range. Usually what most brick and mortar stores will carry.
