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Bra » Cleo » Lyzy Triangle (9766) » 28E » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band72.0
Band Length59.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Bust perimeter85.0
Cup width12.0
Cup depth17.0
Depth ratio1.4
Cup height19.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height5.0
Wing height15.0
Strap width1.0
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This was my first 28 band bra. I liked it so much that I got it in another color later.

I was very surprised at how confortable it felt. No more band riding up!

However, I´m starting to question whether or not I should size up to a 30dd, not because I feel that the band is too tight, but because the hooks and eyes seem to be under significant stress from regular wearing. It looks like they're being pulled too hard from where they were stitched in, even though I've only ever wore it on the loosest hook. Not sure what this means, to be honest.

From the pictures, I wasn't expecting the cups to come up so high (I guess this is supposed to be a high apex style?), but I like how they look. The lace is very pretty and quite soft. The cup is made of two fabric sections, and there are no wires. Sometimes the wings/the fabric right by the cups won't lay totally flat against my skin, but that doesn't bother me.

Overall, this is probably the most confortable bra I've ever owned. I just wish I could figure out what is going on with the hooks and eyes.

On the wine colorway, the lining is a light beige color, which gives the effect of some transparency. On the khaki green color, the lining is the same color as the lace. I would've prefered if they made the entire bra the same color as well (the bow, straps and elastic are wine on the green model).

One thing I would add is that this probably wouldn't be great for full on top breasts. The elastic bit at the top of the cups doesn't really stretch much, and depending on the day, it's almost on the verge of cutting into breast tissue.

Also, the straps seem very short! They don't bother me, but sometimes leave red marks, as if they were too tight, but there's no more room to loosen them.

khaki colorway

Updated on Jan 02, 2023 Flag this

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