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Bra » Kinga » Mist Soft Bra With Pads (SC-842) » 75H » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band79.0
Band Length71.0
Stretch ratio1.1
Cup width17.0
Cup depth29.0
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length30.0
Cup height16.5
Cup separation2.0
Gore height9.0
Wing height11.5
Strap width2.0
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I LOVE this bra! The lift, the support, the shaping! And all in comfort! It's my fav purchase so far!
The cups have a great amount of projection even at the wire, I get no wrinkles on the bottom when the straps are tightened correctly. The 3-piece construction is good, with the center seam actually lining up with my nips, and the material is not scratchy at all. I've so far also had no trouble with seams showing under a shirt. The side sling is very lightly padded and covered in a soft cotton, providing fantastic forward projection.
The wires are firm but not so bad they won't conform to the body when worn. I did not have to bend them a bit to get a comfortable fit. The height of the cups is perfect, I'm not getting poked or spilling out, so this would be a great choice for petites. These wires feel like they've been made for me, they tuck into my IMF almost perfectly. The gore tacks and is both narrow and low enough sitting that my close-set boobs aren't being pinched by them.
I have very narrow and sloped shoulders, making the fit of straps and the side of the cups tricky. I really like how Kinga does theirs, at least on the 2 I've tried, they don't rub me raw. The straps are soft, wide, but with firm stretch. They have swan hooks at the front so you can convert to racerback, yay!
The band is firm on this model, more so than the Digital I previously reviewed. My only issue at all with this bra is that the band tries to roll up under the wires at the bottom of the cups. I have to sort of train it to fold the other way so it doesn't pinch. 1 day of wear seams to have helped, but be warned. Other than the band, I think it needs another wash or 2 to soften some of the elastics in various spots.
Seriously, this has been my best fit yet. I would happily purchase a dozen more of this cut, Form 801.

Updated on Sep 06, 2023 Flag this

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  • Can I ask where you purchased your Kinga from? I can’t seem to find any retailers that deliver to the US.

  • 2

    I got this one and Digital from Lavinia Lingerie. Ships within a few days, arrives pretty quickly for me. They have a lot of sales, and I've gotten a new discount code with each package. I just put an order for a Michelle and a Sophie in with, address is listed as being based in New York, with 30-day return policy. We'll see how quickly they arrive. Both places only carry a few of the many styles Kinga puts out, but I figure I'll get a feel for the more common forms from places I can easily return to if needed. Then I can order direct from Kinga when I want, they ship to the US.

  • 1

    KINGA SHIPS DIRECTLY TO THE US??? I’ve tried to place an order before but I can’t seem to figure out how to get it to ship to me. Also please let me know how your other kingas go. And I’ve found another place that ships to the US called MoreTights: .

  • 2

    Ooo, nice! So many options!
    I haven't tried ordering directly from Kinga, but their site says they ship international and I've seen reddit posts saying they will ship US. They take PayPal, so I imagine they can always get the correct address that way.
    Will for sure update on the other bras. I'm sooo excited to finally be finding bras that fit and are comfortable!

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On Aug 2023 It fit her! View measurements

Perfect fit!

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