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Bra » Freya » Mitzy (3221) » 34G » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band82.5
Band Length71.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width15.5
Cup depth27.5
Depth ratio1.8
Wire length31.0
Cup height19.5
Cup separation0.5
Gore height8.0
Wing height9.0
Strap width1.7
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I *think* bought this bra about 10 years ago, maybe a bit sooner. Honestly at the time it barely fit. I think I was well on my way to being a 34H at that point. But it was so cute I couldn't resist! And it fit well enough, but definitely wasn't perfect. My breasts were soft, heavy, pendulous, with average-to-narrow roots and center-to-top fullness. They sat comfortably in the cups and didn't *quite* spill over, instead kind-of freely wobbling up top, but staying nice and secure along the bottom and sides. The underwire was generally fine, but both it and the straps dug in a bit if I wore it all day. It was thus a "special occasions" bra. Then I gained some weight and my cup size grew exponentially, and this bra vanished into a drawer with a thought that maybe if I lost the weight my boobs would come along for the ride and I could wear it again.

I was a 34J when I got my breast reduction earlier this year. My breasts changed dramatically in shape as well as size. They're now semi-shallow, a tiny bit firmer than before, with wide roots and bottom fullness. I'm just now in the phase of my recovery when I can start exploring my new breast size, and after getting a new starter size of 34F from A Bra That Fits, this bra immediately sprang to mind. Lo and behold, it actually fits quite well! On the center hook the band is snug without cutting into the skin (coincidentally, I'm now approximately the same weight I was when I bought it), and the straps sit comfortably & securely on my shoulders. The cups are just a tiny bit too big, but not in a way that bothers me. When standing, I notice a small wrinkle along the outside bottom of the cups, but it doesn't feel loose at all. When sitting down, the tops of the cups billow a bit, but not so much that it feels like I'm swimming in it. The side support, which I definitely still need, is excellent either way, and the underwire feels almost molded to my exact root shape and width! My breast reduction has promoted this bra from "special occasions" to "everyday wear"!

So in conclusion, I wouldn't recommend this bra for my former breast shape, but highly recommend it for my current one!

Chocolate & mint, polka-dotted colorway

Updated on Sep 01, 2021 Flag this

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  • Congrats on re-discovering this bra; happy it works out for you in your new shape and size!!

  • What a great bra adventure! I know you said the cups seem a little loose at the top but it look sto me like they fit your breasts pretty darn well. Happy for you.

  • billi09 Thank you! Yeah it's pretty odd, when I'm standing (and I am in the pictures) the tops of the cups sit perfectly flush, but I must slouch when I sit, because as soon as I sit down they get decently big gaps up top. So it's altogether possible that it's a "me" problem rather than a "bra" problem, lol

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Fit information

On Sep 2021 It fit her! View measurements

Top of the cup is a bit loose, but side support is lovely and the band is snug without pinching. Underwire sits comfortably along the intra-mammary fold. Straps don't dig in and adjust comfortably. I would wear this bra in public.

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