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Bra » Nessa » Angela Soft » 75M » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band88.0
Band Length70.0
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width16.5
Cup depth35.0
Depth ratio2.1
Wire length34.0
Cup height25.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height10.0
Wing height13.0
Strap width2.3
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what a stunning bra. The lace looks very pretty from afar. Up close it's a bit meh but who is looking that close and cares anyway lol

The band is a true 34. It barely stretches further. So it's very TTS. The gore height is nice, it's not as high as Panache etc, but not low like a plunge so I feel secure. It hits me nicely just before my my boob-distance becomes tiny so that's a plus. It also has about 1cm worth of "empty" wire channels just at the top of the gore, at first I thought it didn't tack but it's just that the wires end a little lower than the actual fabric part of the gore, if that makes sense? I don't mind, it doesn't seem to affect the fit.

It gives me great uplifted shape. But because it's not stretch lace I do quad ever so slightly when I breathe in, but I'm sure I can manage.

The fabric is soft on the inside and on the back/sides, the cups are lined with a sort of soft tulle fabric. The top lace part isn't lined so it's not soft. It could be scratchy to some I suppose if you are sensitive. It has side boning but it's pretty soft.

The wires does creak when moving, hopefully won't be super noticeable. It's fairly comfortable overall, I just wish it either had stretch lace or that I got it in a 34JJ (and risk it being too big).

Edit: On second though I've decided to return this and possibly order it in a 36J instead as I feel the snug band and slightly small cup of the 34J might irritate me during long work days.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Aug 20, 2020 Flag this

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  • That fabric and pattern is so awesome! It looks lovely on you. As for the creaking, hope that goes away. I’ve had a few creaking bras in the past and it drove me insane!

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On Aug 2020 It fit her!

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