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Bra » Curvy Kate » Luxe Strapless Bra (CK2601) » 30DD » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length63.2
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width12.3
Cup depth21.7
Depth ratio1.8
Wire length22.5
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.2
Gore height7.6
Wing height8.6
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Didn't fit

This is a review for the Curvy Kate Dotty strapless, a brastop exclusive, which has the same model number as the Curvy Kate Luxe. I assume it is the same thing as the Luxe, just with a slightly different aesthetic – specifically, dotted rather than plain fabric on the cups, and plain rather than striped fabric on the gore and band.

I wanted to try this bra because I have always heard the Luxe described as a projected strapless, something I need which is frustratingly hard to find. The verdict: it does indeed live up to the “projected strapless” label. Unfortunately, it also lives up to Curvy Kate’s reputation of being excessively full on top, and it has zero immediate projection. When I tried it on, the bra did have enough space at the apex (which however was nowhere near the apex of my breasts), but it slid down immediately after putting it on due to the shape mismatch. If you imagine the outline of a heart cut in half from top to bottom, the half-heart shape is almost what the shape of this bra looks like in profile. In other words, it comes up in a sharp vertical from the underwire, and then curves down to meet the top of the breast. There might be someone out there who needs this specific unusual shape, but I suspect people whom this bra fits are few and far between.

I ordered it in 30DD because it was about half the price of my actual size of 28E, hoping the band would run small due to it’s being a strapless, but it turned out to be a true 30 and much too large. If anything the band was a bit on the stretchy side, not ideal for a strapless. Since the fit was unsalvageable, I didn’t bother reordering in the correct size.

black colorway

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Feb 05, 2016 Flag this

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