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Bra » Ewa Michalak » Chp Wiosenka (512) » 70G » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band81.3
Band Length69.9
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width16.5
Cup depth25.4
Depth ratio1.5
Wire length26.9
Cup height0.0
Cup separation1.5
Gore height8.1
Wing height10.7
Strap width1.5
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Didn't fit

I knew I'd like this bra as soon as I saw it on Ewa's website, but there were a few more I liked better. When I got the opportunity to get it here, I grabbed it.

So I love the print. It's pretty and perfectly spring-y, but the brightness of the pink counters the spring-y a bit and kind of wakes you up a little (needed in this crappy weather we're having right now).

It's a very nice bra. Well made, pretty, and comfy. My only qualm with it is that it has those stupid pads-which in this model are NOT removable. I can and will remove them because it's too small in the cup otherwise. Kind of strange that she made one without removable padding-all of my other similar Ewa's have thankfully had padding that can be removed. Bordering on an H cup, the padding definitely puts me solely into H territory. My husband likes it, but I'm not a fan of quadboob because I can do so much better with the fit!

I think I'll remove the padding with a small slit and then sew up each side so that it becomes another one that I can keep or remove whenever I want to. Since Mr. Catiebabe85 *likes* it with the padding, I can keep it around for certain times.

As for the band, I knew it'd be too big because it's a 70 rather than 65, and this particular model is very stretchy. No big deal, I'll adjust it at some point as the bra stretches out more.

EDIT: Hokay, soooo I figured out that for whatever reason, Ewa put the cut that allows you to remove padding on the other side. Took them out and it's actually still a little small (but there is no hilarious bouncing like when the padding is in). Band is stretchier than any of my other 70Gs (which are all too big in the band as they're 70s) and I need to put it on the tightest hook, but cup fits about like a 70FF. I don't care though cause it's pretty and I love it. One cup size difference for me isn't awful because I can shove my boobs where they should be, and they stay there for the most part. Might be a hindrance at some point, but for now it works fine.

Updated on Nov 03, 2014 Flag this

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